For more than a decade, the Lord has allowed us to be part of new church plants and take part in retraining and the revitalization of existing churches in Brazil. His results are people impacted by the power of the Gospel. The Lord is using our ministry efforts to impact women and children who have never heard a credible Gospel witness. Today, through partners’ prayers and faithful support, we see the Gospel spreading in least-reached Southern Brazil.


Through mentoring, we are seeing men develop a deeper passion for preaching well and develop biblical churches.


Serving women across Southern Brazil with online Bible study and annual conferences, we are seeing lives, families, and communities transformed by the Lord. 


Children are taking the Gospel back into their homes. Miraculously, with partners and local government support, from a handful to more than three-hundred in under three years!

Least-Reached Southern Brazil   


In the world today, there are 7,000 people groups that are considered unreached by the Gospel. That translates into more than 3 billion people waiting for an opportunity to hear about Jesus. God has called us to serve in South America. Missionaries have been in Latin America for more than a hundred years, yet there are hundreds of unreached people groups and thousands of least-reached communities with a Christian population of less than 5%. How will these untold numbers know about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? The only way we will see a gospel movement among every least-reached people group is through biblical health and multiplication.

Brazil is one of the least-reached regions in South America. In Southern Brazil alone, there are 145 cities with a population of less than 5% Evangelical. 

We are committed to developing communities of Jesus’ followers who regularly meet and fellowship in reproducing multiplying movements that holistically impact individuals, communities, and regions through the power of the Gospel.



Join Us Spreading the Gospel in Southern Brazil


We are asking the Lord to see His Gospel spread throughout Southern Brazil. These are the southernmost states of Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. We want to see healthy biblical churches started and then multiply.

We have a tremendous opportunity to advance the Gospel to least reached people. Regina and I are committed to continuing investing our lives through prayer and discipleship, to answering our calling to serve our Risen Lord, and to love people through sharing Christ’s victory over death and saving power!

We would not be here, deployed as missionaries, without partners who lift us in prayer and financially support the mission the Lord has called us to. Please pray and consider partnering with us. Thank you!

We want to see the Gospel preached to those who have never heard of Jesus; we cannot do this alone. We are inviting you to partner with us, to be a part of what God is doing and will do to bring people from every nation, tribe, and language unto Himself.